Monday, January 4, 2016


A BRAND NEW DAY is awaiting you everyday...
this NEW YEAR brings MORE hope, opportunity and adventure into our lives as we 
"find ourselves, heal from abuse and learn to dream again"
We CAN do is TIME!!!!

I forgot my opportunity to blog on this Singing a New Song blog during one of the LESS stressful years of my life. I had relocated and had just found part time employment at the end of 2014 and I was doing other writing and creative things for outlet and personal growth rather than attending to my blogging here...Currently, I am making lifestyle (home, relationship and family) changes and I have failed to attend to my love of teaching and writing...THANK YOU my dear Singing a New Song friend for continuing to read and share what I have had the opportunity to share with you about healing from abuse.

It is a BRAND NEW DAY...we must never forget that EVERY DAY is another opportunity to "find ourselves, heal from abuse and learn to dream again". We must look forward to this NEW YEAR with HOPE...the hope that we WILL be healed from abuse...

We must look forward to this NEW YEAR with OPPORTUNITY to learn and to DISCOVER the wonderful person we are; although we have been damaged by abuse...our lives are in front of us; not behind us.

We must look forward to this NEW YEAR with ADVENTURE and a sense of anticipation of BETTER THINGS TO COME. Time is fleeting and we must be AWARE of the twists and turns and how our life path can be changed and thrown off and led down rabbit trails when there are such more interesting and fulfilling adventures ahead.

Again, dear friend, I apologize for MY FAILURE to write and encourage you here on this blog; I hope that you are finding our relationship on SINGING A NEW SONG Facebook Fan page to be encouraging and filled with hope that you also, one day will be SINGING A NEW SONG.

Love and peace this year...and always,