Monday, September 21, 2020

Finally "Breaking free and being ME"

         Breaking free and being ME has been birthed from 
it's previous name (Singing a New Song: there was another, which I had not known existed, with that name, prior to my claiming it for this message, so it has been deleted from my
history) and is now on a new mission.
         What are we breaking free of? Some would say outdated and antiquated belief and thought. Others perhaps, the mold that this World has accepted so naively. Breaking free...means to travel our own path. It is breaking free of "being like everyone else" and courageously traveling on our journey...
         Being ME. If ME stands for My Essence (I love acronyms, don't you?) then BEING MY ESSENCE makes much sense and it is worth breaking free from ANYTHING to get to...or at least, in my opinion.
          Why is this page, group and blog exist? Because it CAN. It is a dissenter's wish to defy the norm and reach for the possibility of greater being. I have struggled all my life and beg others to accept ME for as I am. I am not "hard" to accept; a bit formidable and quite strong in confidence and thought; yet for a woman in this day, so that enough makes it hard for a man, who is not as strong or thoughtful to respect and admire a woman who is courageous enough to be her FULL self. I had feared in relationship that I had "lost myself", I hadn't really, I understand that now but I had "melded" so to speak with my Love and it was very scary. I had not yet "found myself" and I was feeling that I was "losing ME". That was many years ago, since then, I realize that it was little more than "shadowboxing", fighting an invisible enemy, needing to "fight for myself" even when I was not being threatened. 
          So Breaking free and being ME came about very quickly one day as I was thinking about the evolution of this page, group and blog over the past 10 years and realized that it is MORE relevant in this form than in the last; though the last form seemed to serve my need to "find myself, heal from abuse and learn to dream again". 
           If you're here...welcome. You are not alone. Your journey is unique and you may find a few ideas and images to be of inspiration and even comfort to you as you journey along. Thanks for joining me...