It is a hard thing to face.
It can come to us simply disguised as a very simple question like
"Are you happy?".
If we are very honest with ourselves,
and truly, we truly need to be totally honest with ourselves,
we will face the fears of knowing the truth, we will survive it,
and then we will have the single most powerful weapon in the universe,
Truth. The most needed element of happiness.
It really "pays to have a plan" and that is what this schematic is asking you to do; make a plan to choose to be happy. If you are not happy; change SOMETHING! But whatever you do, don't sit around and wait for "things" to change. Or better and more accurately; CHANGE YOU. Change how you see or accept what is happening. STOP living in denial that "thing will get better". Sometimes the things that NEED to "get better" ARE in our control. WE need to take the responsibility and BE HONEST with ourselves. No one can give us PEACE or happiness. WE need to find that peace and happiness and create MORE in ourselves and in our lives with others. Decide that you WANT to be happy; accept the fact that you are not happy (if you are not that is) and CHOOSE to "change something" to try to bring about happiness for you. Take more responsibility for our own peace and happiness, after all, we are the only one who can change our perspective. CHOOSE HAPPINESS. |