Friday, May 18, 2012

Finding our inner selves

The process of healing from abuse or tragedy has been described as a struggle for life, similar to the caterpillar's metamorphic emergence as a butterfly from a cocoon. For myself, I can relate to this "new life" as being a bit strange, unfamiliar and even scary. My focus had been on running away from abuse, denying the abuse and my self in order to live and grow through it. I had to "find me" before my healing began and that is while I was still living with and in the constant presence of abuse.

Once I was OUT of the abuse and begin to heal, I experienced the "shedding of the old skin" much like the picture represents. With each peel, I could feel old expectations and disappointments leave me. I sensed, as if for the first time, a cool breeze or breath of HOPE across my face. Fresh air and a renewed vision for my life. I learned that my new life had been INSIDE ME all along and could only come out when I truly felt that it would be safe for me to reveal myself.

We ALL have an inner life or an INNER SELF which I believe, retreats and hides at the signs and damage of abuse. It only makes sense that we might need to "find ourselves" again in the course of healing from abuse. It should be an exciting and remarkable adventure; full of joy and intrigue as we again, "learn about ourselves". We will find out the reasons we stayed in an abusive relationship as we admit the reasons and gained the strength to separate from people who have abused us. 

This should be the most exciting and welcomed leg of our healing journey through abuse. FINDING ourselves intact, healthy and can be done, it has been done and if you are on this leg of your journey, I know that you CAN do it too. 

You are the most wonderful person in your life. 
Befriend yourself and get to know yourself...again. 

You are worth it!!!