Saturday, September 3, 2011

WHAT is possible? Dreams CAN come true.

We all have possibilities we don't know about.
We can do things we don't even dream we can do.
- Dale Carnegie 
Whose heart does NOT echo the sentiment of Don Quixote's song, to "dream the impossible dream"? 
To dream ... the impossible dream ...
To fight ... the unbeatable foe ...
To bear ... with unbearable sorrow ...
To run ... where the brave dare not go ...
To right ... the unrightable wrong ...
To love ... pure and chaste from afar ...
To try ... when your arms are too weary ...
To reach ... the unreachable star ...

This is my quest, to follow that star ...

No matter how hopeless, no matter how far ...
To fight for the right, without question or pause ...
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause ...

And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,

That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest ...
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach ... the unreachable star ... 

If but for NOT appearing to be "impossible, would it "be a dream worth dreaming? Do we hold onto dreams because we think that they ARE impossible and so we don't FEAR them coming true in our lives?

I remember "dreaming" the impossible dream and I felt utter hopelessness and despair as if it could NEVER possibly or even partially come true. Dale Carnegie said it best that "we all have possibilities we don't know about." Wow. In my life, I had to come to the place where I had to consider that there was a possibility of seeing my dream come true before I felt safe enough to dream it. But I did believe, deep in my heart, that I COULD DO things that I had NOT YET dreamed of and because of this; I forged ahead and took the necessary and very intrepid steps TOWARD my dream. 

I remember sitting still and introspectively "looking at my life" and remembering the scene from Mrs. Doubfire.

"Ever wish you could freeze frame 
a moment in your day, and look at it and say
 this is not my life?"

As I evaluated the realness of my life; I fell into despair knowing what I was living in and I felt an unquenchable hunger for what I had been living without. I had nothing to lose. In my mind, it could "get no worse" and if I attempted to follow my dream and did not get it; I would be no WORSE off than living without it. I was "all in" as they say. It was "all or nothing" and I was ready for the "nothing" but the all; it was a bit overwhelming to even believe that my dream COULD come true. When I sent my Love a card in the mail I admit that I was more fearful of a positive response than negative one. His rejection would not leave me WORSE off than before and would confirm the "impossibility" of my dream whereas his acceptance of my love and place in his life would change me forever.  And it would also mean that I had lived without him and had been dreaming my life away for nothing.
So if you have a dream that you don't think has a possibility of ever coming true, then what do you have to lose? I encourage you, today...Dream!!! Throw you cares to the wind. I did. I don't regret it for a moment. My life has changed and will never be the same. Thank God!

You have nothing to lose but the "impossibility" of your dream coming true. 

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