Monday, June 10, 2013

I just don't FEEL like it...

Have you ever gotten to a point that you rhetorically ask yourself "What IS the point of it all?" You feel fed up, tired and any attempt to "make things better" has usually ended up with life being much harder, more painful. We may even get to the point that we just have to ask "What the...*add your own expletive*"?????

Sometimes we get so tired of fighting that we stop to reevaluate why we are fighting so hard and what we are fighting for in the first place. This is actually a great to do. And though we may be feeling that we are on the border of depression and emotional exhaustion. The question we can ask ourselves is "What do we do when we "just don't feel like it?" What would be best for us???

The first thing that I do in these times is to have a talk with myself. Yes, I talk to myself a bit. I am at least assured that someone who cares is listening...and I say "It's OK that I feel like crap right now, emotionally I feel exhausted, sad, helpless and even to the point of asking "what the *****?" about nearly everything in my life...just GO AHEAD and FEEL YUCKY...feel it really good. Experience the YUCK of life that most people avoid. Become friends with it to the point of asking "it"..."Well, what do WE feel like doing today?"...because as you know the answer to that question overall is "I just don't feel like it". 

It's almost humorous when we see it from this perspective but sometimes we just have to laugh when we feel like crying. Find the absurd in the confusion and make fun of it. Have a chuckle and say "YUCK" at the same time. It really is an unique experience. 

As with other posts and Facebook page posts, here at "Singing A New Song" we advocate and encourage everyone to face their pain. Don't deny it any longer. Make faces and laugh at it. You may find a creative way to release your feelings and produce something wonderful and even helpful to others that may feel as you I have.

Please remember that YOU are WORTH all the yucky, icky, sad, disappointing, angry and heartbreaking emotions that can be felt. To feel is to live. Let's just try to "find ourselves, heal from abuse and learn to dream again" and FEEL BETTER while we are "Singing a New Song". Let's listen to our hearts and sing the song that we hear.

We are worth it!!! 

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