Sunday, January 13, 2013

Getting things into real perspective

Sometimes we are TOO CLOSE to our problems. 

We LIVE IN THEM day in and day out and we can't "see the forest for the trees" and they seem to be ENORMOUS and just perpetuate the HUGENESS of our situation BUT if we could take a step back and get a wider view, it might not seem so overwhelming. 

Sometimes we feel that we have overwhelming decisions to make and we stop and ask ourselves "which way do we go"??? 

We can either make a decision with haste and perpetuate our situation or we may procrastinate or delay making a decision, hoping that it will "work itself out"...

Both, at times, can be devastating to our lives and the situations that we have to face. 


just when we think that we are getting a handle on our situation and having chosen to "see the big picture" and "make good decisions" we may feel like we are on "uneven footing", feeling VERY uncertain about the "next step" that we need to take. We may FEEL uneasy and "second guess" our perspective and decisions when sometimes, it may be JUST AN ILLUSION that abuse throws at us to throw us off our "game"...but it is NO game to us. We WANT to see things as they are, walk with confidence, feel safe and make good decisions that could not only extricate ourselves from an abusive relationship but create a life for ourselves where we can "find ourselves, heal from abuse and learn to dream again". 

All the stresses of life are NORMAL and it is OK to feel uneasy about situations in your life that you have learned create or sustain unhealthy attitudes, unhappiness and indecision. We ALL face these things. YOU are NOT crazy. Sometimes, as I have learned, we really want to figure things out. WHY does he behave that way? WHY do I always apologize or give in or recant what I truly believe to just avoid another argument or name calling? 

I had learned to "STOP TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF NONSENSE"...or as Patricia Evans; author of "The Verbal Abusive Relationship" quotes in her newest book "Victory Over Verbal Abuse: A Healing Guide to Renewing Your Spirit and Reclaiming Your Life", as "JUST PLAIN SENSELESS" behavior of an abuser toward an abuse survivor.

If you are being abused, you CAN acknowledge and accept it and START looking at it from a bigger perspective. Read books about verbal, emotional, sexual or physical abuse and healing from it and think about talking with a qualified counselor about your situation. Another pair of eyes and ears may help you get things into proper and healthy perspective. You DO NOT HAVE TO BE ABUSED ANY LONGER...

YOU really ARE worth it!!

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