Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just ONE thing

Is it time to START AGAIN????

The NEW YEAR is a great time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start over again as the song says. It is a time to PUT THE PAST BEHIND US where it belongs and MOVE FORWARD. Let's start with JUST ONE THING...what is ONE thing that you would like for yourself in the next year???

Speaking for myself, and perhaps for other women and men who may feel oppressed; that life has passed them by or they feel so damaged from abuse that knowing which direction to move isn't as big a decision as trying to find the energy to do it, I know that I plan on MOVING FORWARD with WHAT I LOVE this coming year. 2011 was my YEAR TO FIND MY LIFE and 2012 was my YEAR TO HOLD ONTO WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT and so now...2013 is MY YEAR to SHINE!!!

I have been patient with myself and understand that some times, there are periods of "down time". I have had a few "down years" in my life...as a singer/songwriter/performer and writer and organizer of groups, I had two years after my son was born that I "did not do much else" other than raise him. He was a preemie and demanded ALL my time and energy. I can say that HE WAS WORTH IT...and I don't regret giving my time and energy to him. I just "missed being me" during those years while LOVING being his mom.

I have just gone through nearly two more "down years" where I have not actively done some of the things "what I love" as I had hoped but my life CHANGED...dramatically. I found THE life that I have wanted for many years only to put "my life" aside for an even more wonderful life that I had only imagined. I became a stay at home mother for my son and the woman whom has always been loved by my "first love" when we reunited in Feb. 2011. It has been nearly two years since I worked outside the home full time, took care of my own finances and on a sad note, sang with a most wonderful classical chorale. I had sung with them for five years and had enjoyed every rehearsal and performance. It challenged my musicality and allowed me musical outlet and enjoyment. 

I have shared all of this to show that not ALL that is in our past that we must "leave in the past" have been bad things in our lives. I have had to leave some good things IN THE PAST so I could MOVE ON in my life. That is ok.

It is TIME to start again. It IS time to take THIS DAY and not expect less of ourselves anymore. BE all that we can be. Connect with others who love what we love. Enjoy the mundane parts of our lives; knowing that at one time, they might have been our "ideal" and not to resent the moment because it is NOT the past. The past will live in our memory and encourage us to GO and MAKE MORE MEMORIES.

All this is being said by a heart that has loved and lost much in the past two years. It is TIME for me to START AGAIN...Sometimes I feel that I have lived so many different lives and it is time for me to start LIVING A NEW LIFE again...New Year's Day encourages me to START AGAIN... how about you???

You are worth it!!! 

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