Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Keeping it true

As I think of my writing TO YOU about "finding myself, healing from abuse and learning to dream again", I think of one word that motivates me to share the VERY BEST of what I have learned...the word is "TRUE".

We have MANY wonderful, inspirational writers who have Facebook pages, blogs and have authored insightful and encouraging books on "how to live life better" and I applaud them. They provide us with tools, encouragement and a path to help us to "find ourselves" amidst confusing feelings, thoughts and painful memories in a convoluted world. They give us hope that we CAN be whole. 

We can be enriched while being greatly informed by Facebook pages, blogs and books which hold the testimony of lives that have been shattered by abuse and their healing from it. We are shocked to see that others have been abused, in our view, in somewhat greater and more the deeply traumatic ways than we have been. We understand how they are on their "healing journey" and that their writings reflect their process. They give us hope that we CAN heal and move on with our lives after abuse. 

We also have many wonderful Facebook pages, blogs and books written by philosophers, thinkers and dreamers who help us "learn to dream again". Their lofty and even seemingly impossible ideals encourage me to move beyond the constraints and limits of what I consider to be my normal life. They inspire me to want to "be more" of a person each day. 

"Singing a New Song" is a little bit of all of these...
     I do not claim to be an accomplished writer. I have yet to author a book though I have been an inspiration to motivate others to ACT upon their hopes for their lives, I am not a professional speaker. I am a genuine person who is just "being me". 
     I may not have been deeply physically or sexually abused and do not have an horrific story to share (I think of Dave Pelzer and his book "A child called "It") that will help you to put what you have experienced in perspective of horrendous, unthinkable abuse. I am a honestly caring person and I desire to see others heal from abuse and live their lives with the all too common and constant personal obstacles, struggles and challenges. 
     I may not be a great thinker though I have had and HAVE great thoughts at times. I love to share words of wisdom and better yet, I desire to share more of my life and how I have "found myself, healed from abuse and learned to dream again" as it continues to be revealed to me. I am insightful and many can relate to my thoughts on life and my self. 

Being TRUE to myself, being TRUE to my family and friends, being TRUE to wonderful people like yourself who actually read my writing, is MOST important to me. I intend on "keeping it true" and hope that my choice in life will encourage you to do the same. 

YOU are worth it!!! 

I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. 
Abraham Lincoln 

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