Friday, December 2, 2011

Healing thought

I have recently quoted myself as saying: 
I will not treat myself LESS than I deserve 
to give him (an abuser) MUCH MORE than he deserves.

I thought that this was a pretty insightful thought. I HAD allowed myself to have and enjoy FAR LESS than I deserved only to give MUCH MORE of myself, my life and my resources to a "taker" who did NOT deserve it.  
Setting boundaries in an abusive relationship usually heralds praises of "how strong" we are to have "made the decision" to stand up for ourselves. But I did not feel strong enough to make that decision until I became stronger BY making the decision to live an abuse free live; one of peace and love which not only myself but every person deserves to live.

I had come to realize that the PAIN OF STAYING in the relationship was GREATER than the fear of leaving it and living my life as I believe it "should be" lived.   

When the PAIN (of staying) is greater than the FEAR (of and in leaving), 
you will BE stronger than you think!

I have made a choice to live my life according to my values and conscience and not be controlled, manipulated and disrespected by anyone. I am hoping that you will find that place in your heart and mind if you are seeking to be free from abuse in your life. 

You ARE stronger than you think. YOUR LIFE CAN BE what you want it to be...
just do it!

1 comment:

  1. Have you come to the point where "your pain is greater than your fear?" That is the place where the abuse will start and your life will begin again.


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