Friday, October 7, 2011

Finding me after all these years

Like most teenagers, I was also on the quest to "find me" during the late 70's and early 80's. Many called us the "ME generation". The Baby Boomers. However, I find myself associating MORE with the Silent generation of my elderly parents; born to them at a ripe age of 38. In this case, I propose that it is not so much the environment that shapes us but our choices that drive us to seek ways to "find ourselves" within the environment that we live.

In this day of narcissistic indulgence, there seems to be less and less time for social graces and nurturing of relationships. In all the relationships that we have in our lives, I feel that the one "with ourselves" is the one that suffers from lack of attention the most. I propose that we do not seek to "find ourselves" among others or in even "voicing out" who we are.  It is only in the silence of the soul of meditations, compassion and self-love we can bring "out into the light all the beautiful belongings that no one else has looked quite far enough to find".(see Blog entry posted; Love by Roy Croft)

I have found my "voice" in singing music, song writing, performing, expressions of art in vision boards and beaded jewelry. I have "found myself" among the things that express who I am. I "see" me in my creations. I experience my likes and dislikes and my values. I have embraced "all that is me" within the context of our society of twisted values ( what ever happened to sex AFTER marriage?) portrayed on sit coms and television series, amongst the constant "putting down" of what I value and believe in, amidst the heartache and strain of life's challenges in raising a child today. In all of that, I have still found that "finding me" to be a priority as well as a joy in my life.

You are special and unique. You are worth finding. If you are seeking joy in your life; start by seeking the real you; by "finding you" and frame your live with the beauty of what you love and "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do".  (Jalal ad-Din Rumi, 1207-1273)

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