Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fighting to BE is worth it!!!

"Free to BE last!!!" my vision board (March 2010)

Thank you for visiting my blog and Singing a New Song on FB to encourage you on your healing journey. I am glad to see that you have come to realize that YOU DESERVE to live FREE from abuse. Even before you really began your struggle to "find yourself, heal from abuse and learn to dream again" probably felt very much like I have felt. 

It felt like an uphill climb, a steep and almost impossible ascent up an intimidating mountain of abuse. I would fight and push myself upward. I would hold on tenaciously to each solid affirmation and epiphany. I stood firmly upon every solid piece of truth that would hold my weight and I would NOT let go. 


I created this vision board in March 2010...My now ex husband consented to try "family counseling" and I had just challenged myself to use ART to speak out against the abuse that I had endured from him and his daughter. I am not artistically talented but I do appreciate visual arts and thought that this therapeutic endeavor would help me to say in pictures the message that words could not convey.  

The vision board has "ME" in the is actually a woman breaking OUT of a perfume bottle...the kind of "break out" that I was hoping for so "my essence" could be free and I could be "FREE to BE ME". The images surrounding "me" are images of OBSTACLES that I fought against, faced and realized or had to BREAK THROUGH in my personal growth process. 

Needless to say, this was NOT warmly welcomed by my ex husband but my counselor thought that I was "strong" in my expression of how I felt about the marriage with my ex husband and the relationship I had with his daughter and my determination to "SAY NO" to abuse. If you have NEVER seen a verbally and emotionally abusive man, sit silently, struck DUMB by images that he could NOT verbally refute, you have YET to enjoy this sight. Hopefully, you will SEE FOR YOURSELF that speaking out against abuse and "fighting to be yourself" will NOT be accepted by an abuser but that will NOT matter as much to you as KNOWING that YOU are a survivor. YOU have every right to "be YOU" not matter what anyone else has to say about it.

So are YOU fighting to "BE YOU" today???
I encourage you to BE you WITH you and allow your "YOUness" to flow over into your outer life. Practice daily to affirm yourself with positive thoughts and accept yourself, IN the situation, WITH your limitations AND your pains as you see and feel them and DETERMINE that YOU have the RIGHT to "BE FREE to BE ME". 

You really ARE worth it!!! 

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