Thursday, February 21, 2013

You don't have to have it ALL figured out to move forward

As abuse SURVIVORS, we have made our way THROUGH so many personal, domestic and societal obstacles that we may feel that we have truly gained a wealth of understanding and wisdom...and even more important, we have survived!!! 

TRUE HEALING comes through  "finding ourselves, healing from abuse and learning to dream again"...a process that I have personally found to be a real workable paradigm that describes my healing journey.

We don't have to understand freedom to experience it. We just have to BELIEVE that we CAN be free of abuse before we will ever find the strength and hope to TRY to break free.

Second guessing ourselves seems to be one of the great skills that we seem to acquire over the time that we are in an abusive relationship or treated abusively by others. We tend to forget that "WE CAN" do all the things that our abuser has told us that we can't do without them. They have created a dependency upon them and we have taken it and even disregarded our own self-sufficiency all in the "name of relationship"...We may have found that in looking BACK upon this time, that this was the time that we "lost our selves" and once realized, we can begin to "find ourselves" and break free from the controlling thoughts of an abuser. 

We certainly DO NOT have to have it ALL FIGURED OUT TO MOVE FORWARD...we just have to WANT to be free from ourselves and "find ourselves" so we can "heal from abuse and learn to dream again"...

YOU are worth it!!! 

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