Friday, February 17, 2012

I knew I was "in here somewhere".

 Chipping away until you "find You"
When they asked Michelangelo how he made his statue of David he is reported to have said,  
"It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David." ~Michaelangelo
We are the Sculptor and David is our life that we are "chipping away" to find and to "draw out into the light all the beautiful belongings that no one else has looked quite far enough to find". Love by Roy Croft

The process of "finding me" has been very much like the "chipping away"  of the outer, unnecessary, cumbersome pieces of rock and debris of a sculptor's chisel in order to uncover and DISCOVER the "real me" that has been hidden.

At times I had to "chip away" at unhealthy relationships; ones where my boundaries were violated and 

there was no respectful ground to establish and maintain a solid foundation for any relationship. Sometimes these proved to be some of the "hardest" chips as I knew that having been chipped off, they would not longer be part of my sculpture. I had to be assured that they were all unhealthy connections that kept me from finding me. Through the years of abuse, I had learned to doubt myself and my decisions. It was too easy to second guess my chips and I could either feel guilt after ward or sometimes, and even more tragically, not make them at all.

My very unrefined chisel and minimal skills in "sculpting" sometimes begged the question if I might be chipping away anything of real value to me. I would sometimes hear the advice of "other sculptors" but finally stopped to realized that they were NOT working on my sculpture, it was MY responsibility. I did not have to "take their expert advice". I was free to create my life without other's input and interruptions. It was then that I realized that I needed to chip away, "other's voices" that that may be speaking into my life whos e opinions, ideas and values did not align with mine while I was "designing" MY new life.

Sometimes, in order to reveal our "work of art", we must be willing to LOOK PAST the blank slab of marble to see "David" or we could get too busy "chipping away" on the outer parts and soon lose the vision of what we were creating. So like the sculptor, we too, have the choice of "envisioning" what we want to create in our our SELF and learn how to skillfully chip away all that is NOT our lives. This is how I see the process of "FINDING ME"... how about you?