Friday, July 15, 2011

God made me, God can explain me...a christian view of abuse

This is a saying that I "made up" many years ago. I know that my being a wonderfully complex and intricately made female can be quite mind-boggling to those who are "trying to figure me out" and to that I reply "God made me, God CAN explain me". I really feel that we are not obligated to explain ourselves or be in a position where we must defend the right to "be who we are" and live as we choose. I have thought  of the I Love Lucy show, ok, I am showing my age with this, and Ricky would say to Lucy "Lucy, you got some "xplainnin to do" in his thick Latino accent. In abusive relationships, this fear, guilt and obligation (or FOG) to "explain ourselves" and even at times, "defend our beliefs and actions" can become all pervasive and the means by which we are controlled by those who do not seem to value us as individuals in their lives.

This even happens in "Christian" relationships. Marriages that are "in the sight of God" can be just as and even more defining, abusive, controlling and stressful than relationships without a "faith base". I believe that this is mainly due to deception. entitlement and perceived rights to  "authority" that a person that appears to be a "christian" but acts as an "abuser" has towards us. I have found many 'Christians" to be defining, judgemental and not "Christlike" as they propose. I believe that this is due to the "fake godly relationships" which are just as if not more displeasing to God as  "heathen" relationships.  The first boasts man's pride and fakes the "godliness and holiness of God" (having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof) and the second omits God in the relationship; at least honestly. 

I strongly believe that "defining" another person is abusive behavior and it is not the "right" of anyone to do that to another human being. God made me. Only God has the right to "speak into my life" and He does that by NOT defining who we are but AFFIRMING us; the ones whom HE has made and brought into existence. God made me, God can explain me and HE does not give anyone the right to define, demean, devalue and abuse me...ever.

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